Take the first step towards an inclusive journey

Employment support

Facilitating connections between diverse candidates and employers, championing against ageism, gender discrimination, and advocating for the rights of the

LGBTQ+ community, disabled individuals, and other minority groups, he creates inclusive workplaces where every individual grows.

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DEI sensitization

In the role of an SDG ambassador for DEI, he utilizes his influential voice to shed light on the barriers obstructing social inclusion. He designs workshops for educational

institutions and the corporate sector, aiming not merely to meet DEI 'quotas' through arbitrary projects but to genuinely cultivate an inclusive ecosystem at every tier of an organization.

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DEI workshops

Committed to reshaping organizational cultures through workshops that foster genuine understanding and empathy. These sessions are designed to encourage participants

to embrace diversity in all its forms, facilitating dialogues that challenge preconceived notions and foster an environment where inclusivity is woven into the very fabric of the organization.

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ERG elevation

Elevate the role of Employee Resource Groups (ERCs) as engines of transformation. Shape best practices to establish dynamic and influential ERGS within your organization,

amplifying their collective voice to drive employee engagement and foster an inclusive culture.

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Disability livelihood mentor

His life's mission is to facilitate the flourishing of 1 million individuals with disabilities. In pursuit of this goal, he orchestrates livelihood workshops for individuals

with disabilities, as well as the general public. Utilizing his acumen as an entrepreneur, he strives to forge equal opportunities for Persons with Disabilities. The objective is to collaborate with PWDs, empowering them in the realms of employment and entrepreneurship and steering them towards financial autonomy.

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Let’s Connect!

Motivational speaker delivered an inspiring speech, igniting passion and empowering the audience to reach their full potential. Their words resonated deeply, leaving a lasting impact on everyone present.